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Video Player Options
Ryley White avatar
Written by Ryley White
Updated over a week ago

You can access the Player Options from the bottom right of the video player:

From there, you can configure the following:

Overlay Receipts

The Overlay Receipts slider allows you to toggle whether receipts from your events display over the video.

Note: For more information on receipt overlays, see View Event Receipts.

Thumbnail Preview

The Thumbnail Preview slider determines whether video thumbnail previews appear when you hover over the timeline:

When the slider is active, thumbnails appear when you hover over a timeline event. When the slider is off, thumbnails do not appear on the timeline.

Limit Event Duration

Some users may come across long events that stretch across the timeline. If you want to "clean up" the timeline in this scenario, you can select the Limit Event Duration slider to reduce timeline clutter. Enabling this option reduces the displayed length in the timeline:

Enabling this option may hide parts of your events to reduce clutter. A tooltip may be visible at the bottom of the video player to indicate how many events are playing concurrently if some events a have been hidden from view. Click the tooltip to only display events in the list that are currently playing at the selected time:

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