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Vehicle Wait Time Setup
Ryley White avatar
Written by Ryley White
Updated over 7 months ago

This article provides information on how to configure and set up Vehicle Wait Time, including:

Motion Zone Configuration

Vehicle Wait Time events are only created when a vehicle enters and leaves a specified motion zone within your camera view.

Ensure to set up a Vehicle Wait Time motion zone by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Video page and select a camera. Ensure the camera you select captures your drive-thru area clearly (see Camera Placement Guide further down in this article for information on how to best angle your camera for Vehicle Wait Time).

  2. Select the "gear" icon > Motion Zones.

  3. Use the dropdown list near the top-right of the page to select Zone Type: Vehicle Dwell Time:

  4. Click and drag in the camera view with your mouse to create a rectangular motion zone:

  5. Select Done to create the motion zone for this camera.

Motion Zone Tips

Motion zone placement is important to ensure vehicles are captured and tracked correctly in Solink. Refer to this section to understand the optimal and least-optimal motion zone placements within your cameras when using Vehicle Wait Time.

The following table provides examples of motion zone angles, in order of most ideal to least ideal from 1-4:

1. Best Angle

2. Acceptable Angle

3. Less Ideal Angle

4. Least Ideal Angle

We recommend to set up your motion zone closest to the "Best Angle" as shown above, or at least try and get close to it. A "Less Ideal" or "Least Ideal" angle, as shown above, may result in less reliable Vehicle Wait Time data.

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