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Onboarding Guide

Work through the onboarding process with this guide and your Customer Success representative.

Ryley White avatar
Written by Ryley White
Updated over a week ago

Our Onboarding Journey is designed to ensure a successful implementation of Solink — so your team can continue to do what they love and thrive. Our team will do the heavy lifting. This guide is designed to help you engage with us along the way.

Follow along with the sections listed below to complete the onboarding process.

Note: Your Solink Operations Coordinator is your point of contact through installation, steps 1-2. Solink Support and your Account Representative are available as your point of contact for step 3-5.

1. Pre-Install Kickoff/Planning

Below are the key activities and milestones you can expect in this step:

a) Confirmation of Technical Information

Solink's expert Operations team will reach out to confirm that the information you provided our Sales team is still accurate and confirm any questions they have for clarification.

b) Scheduling and Installation

Solink uses local installers. The installer will contact you directly to coordinate times and schedule the install. They will confirm with Solink's remote configuration crew and finalize an install date that works for everyone.

c) Receive Equipment

Solink will let you know when all your equipment is on route to you. Keep an eye out and have staff aware of the arrival of the technician the day of the install. If the equipment is being sent to you directly, place it in a safe spot.

d) Data Preparation

You may be asked to approve access to your data (POS transactions) and/or introductions to your provider for assistance in approving Solink’s access.

How to Engage with Solink in This Step

2. Implementation

Below are the key activities and milestones you can expect in this step:

a) Onsite Install

Your certified installer will meet with your designated manager to configure the Solink system by connecting the camera system to your new recording device. Now is a great time to make note of the location of the device for any future troubleshooting.

b) Remote Configuration

The installer will coordinate with Solink's remote team to finalize installation and run through final checks of quality assurance. There may be a short delay between the installer leaving and the Quality Assurance team completing the installation. You will receive an email when the site is ready.

c) Data Access/Integration

Depending on your POS or other data system, Solink may need to schedule time to enable data, gain access to data or work with you to ensure your provider can assist us to get your data.

d) Login/Access

Keep an eye out for an "install complete" email with your login credentials. From there, access the login screen via your mobile application or

How to Engage with Solink in This Step

3. Go Live

Below are the key activities and milestones you can expect in this step:

a) Solink is Live

Solink is now up and running and you have access to your video, reporting, alerts and more. Set up a transaction or video report, a digest and more.

b) Solink Team On Standby

Our team is here to help and problem solve for you and your team during Go Live to ensure you and your team are able to get the value and reliability out of Solink.

Our support team and your account manager will answer questions, train your staff on the job, perform additional configuration and troubleshoot your system. Get access to Solink support members in-app through chat, by phone, or by email.

How to Engage with Solink in This Step

4. Customization

Below are the key activities and milestones you can expect in this step:

a) Customize

Your Solink representative will help you configure the right reports (and anything else you require).

b) Training and Account Review

We’re available to provide you with an extra hand. We offer multiple courses for you to build skills and knowledge with Solink. Book a one-on-one training session with us for you and your team. Review your accounts on an ongoing basis to ensure we are meeting your needs.

c) Become an Expert

Continue your training by exploring our Help Center for new workflows and use-cases. Here you will find articles to help answer questions.

Or you can join a webinar to see what’s new with Solink and brush up on skills.

How to Engage with Solink in This Step

  • Actively use Solink.

  • Learn Solink and its capabilities.

  • Re-engage with your account manager and/or our support team.

  • Contact our support team via the following methods:

    • In-app chat.

  • Learn more from the Help Center or in person.

5. Adoption

Below are the key activities and milestones you can expect in this step:

a) Feature Updates & Announcements

Solink releases great new features all the time. Keep up to date with our latest product updates by checking these sources:

b) Success Questionnaire

Solink will provide a questionnaire in electronic form for your users/staff to express the value that using Solink has provided and ensure that we’ve properly on-boarded your team for success.

c) Support

Our support team is available 24/7/365 to troubleshoot your questions and issues.

d) Ongoing Account Review

Periodically your Solink representative will reach out to schedule account reviews to ensure you’re continuing to see success with the platform and review any open items, special promotions or future projects.

How to Engage with Solink in This Step

  • Actively use Solink.

  • Learn Solink and its capabilities.

  • Re-engage with your account manager and/or our support team.

  • Contact our support team via the following methods:

    • In-app chat.

  • Learn more from the Help Center or in person.

Additional Resources

Here are some additional resources to help you navigate Solink better.

Help Center Link

Solink App Locations

Book Training with Us

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