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Configure report and email digest notifications.

Ryley White avatar
Written by Ryley White
Updated over a year ago

The Notifications tab in Solink Settings allows you to view all the names of all your reports, configure notifications for reports and toggle report visibility.

Digest Notifications Schedule

Email digest notifications compile data from your reports, widgets and thresholds from a specific day or week based on the configuration.

Email digests are sent to your email address in the following format:


See Configure Email Digest Notifications below for more information.

Real-Time Notifications

You can receive real-time notifications for your reports either to your phone (SMS) or Push notifications in-app.

Configure Report Notifications

You can configure several different notification types for your reports. For example, if you created a report to track only refund transactions, you can get notified whenever a refund occurs.

Notification types include:

  • Push: In-app notifications. You can monitor push notifications via the inbox at the top of the Solink platform.

  • SMS: Text notifications sent to your phone.

  • Digest (Daily and Weekly): Email digest notifications on a daily or weekly basis.

Note: You can also configure notifications for reports when you create them. See Create a Report for more information.

Configure Push Notifications

To configure push notifications for your reports:

  1. Navigate to the Visibility and Notification Settings section on the Notifications page:


  2. A list of your reports is displayed. Choose a report, then select the corresponding Push notification checkbox to enable push notifications for that report:


  3. A confirmation message appears to indicate that your change has been saved successfully.

To monitor push notifications for your reports, check your inbox located at the top of the page:

You will receive a push notification whenever a transaction occurs that meets the report parameters.

Configure SMS Notifications

To configure SMS notifications for your reports:

  1. Navigate to the Real-Time Notifications section on the Notifications page within Settings:

  2. In the SMS Notifications field, type the phone number you wish to receive SMS report notifications for. Please note: When you enter the contact's phone number, ensure they consent to receive SMS messages from Solink. You can remove the contact's phone number to unsubscribe them from receiving SMS messages at any time, but you will need to input another phone number into the field to complete the form.

  3. Select Save.

  4. Navigate to the Visibility and Notification Settings section below.

  5. A list of your reports is displayed. Choose a report, then select the corresponding SMS notification checkbox to enable push notifications for that report.

  6. A confirmation message appears to indicate that your change has been saved successfully.

Note: Solink supports up to 100 SMS notifications per day and 1 message every 5 minutes. If a report would exceed this many notifications, a message informs you that the report you have chosen would exceed 100 notifications per day - please choose a different report for SMS notifications in this scenario.

Configure Email Digest Notifications

To configure email digest notifications:

  1. Toggle the Digest Notifications slider under Settings > Notifications. Ensure this message displays: "You will receive digest notifications.":


  2. In the Notification Schedule section below, select the "carat" icon in the right corner to expand the section and see additional configuration options:

  3. Select the correct time zone for the user.

  4. Select the "end of day" for the email digest. Emails will consolidate notifications from the day or week ending at the selected time.

  5. If you want to receive a daily digest email, choose a specific time for each day of the week under the Send Daily Email section. You can skip this section if you do not want to receive daily emails.

  6. If you want to receive a weekly digest email, choose a specific day of the week and time under the Send Weekly Email section. You can also skip this section if you do not want to receive weekly emails, only daily emails.

  7. Once you have chosen when to receive email notifications, select the Save button to apply the changes.

  8. Navigate to the Visibility and Notifications Settings section below to set which reports, thresholds and widgets you would like to include in your daily and weekly digest(s). For each, select the corresponding Daily and/or Weekly notification checkboxes to enable email digest notifications for that report.


Configure Report Visibility

You can choose to hide or show certain reports in the Solink user interface. This may be useful if you do not want to delete a report, but do not want the report to be shown in the user interface (for example, you do not want the report to be shown on the Events page).

To toggle report visibility:

  1. In Settings > Notifications, navigate to the Visibility and Notification Settings section:


  2. Select the "eye" icon next to a report to toggle its visibility in the user interface:


Delete a Private Report

You can delete private reports from the Reports tab in Settings.

Select the "x" icon next to the report as shown in the image below to delete a private report:


Click here if you need more information on how to create a private or public report.

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