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Android App Notifications
Ryley White avatar
Written by Ryley White
Updated over a week ago

The Notifications tab in the Solink Android app displays notifications related to alerts, motion events and alarm events:


Archive Notifications

You can archive notifications to reduce clutter and provide easier access to them later.

To archive notifications:

  1. Tap the box next to the notification(s) and ensure a "checkmark" icon appears.

  2. Select the Archive button.


You can then access archived notifications via the dropdown menu at the top of the Notifications tab. See the Sort Notifications section below for more information.

Mark As Read

Notifications that you have read appear in gray text. Unread notifications appear in bold, black text:

Unread Notifications

Read Notifications


If you wish to mark a notification as read:

  1. Tap the box next to the notification(s) and ensure a "checkmark" icon appears.

  2. Select the Mark As Read button.

Sort Notifications

Select the dropdown menu near the top of the Notifications tab to choose a filter:


You can sort notifications by the following categories:

  • All: Displays all notifications, regardless of type.

  • Read: Displays only notifications that you have read.

  • Unread: Displays only notifications that you have not read.

  • Archived: Displays all archived notifications. The archive process is explained in the section above (Archive Notifications).

  • Alarms: Displays all notifications related to video alarms.

  • Clips: Displays all notifications related to saved clips.

  • Events: Displays all notifications related to events.

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