You can set global widget filters across all your widgets to display data from a given time frame, date and/or a specific location.
Navigate to the top of the Dashboard page to select what filters to apply to your widgets:
Date: The date the widget data ends on.
Time frame: Choose to show widget data for a given day, week, month or year.
Locations : Select whether the widgets display data from all of your locations or one location.
Pinned Widget Data
You can configure your widgets to override certain filters. For example, some widgets may display the same information regardless of whether you filter your widgets by Day, Week, Month or Year, or location.
If a widget displays the same information regardless of which filter you have the selected, it means the data in the widget is pinned. You can determine if data in a widget is pinned if there is a "pin" icon displayed at the bottom of the widget.
In the image below, the widget will always display data from a specific day regardless of filter. This is indicated by the "pin" icon:
In the second image below, the widget will always display data from All Locations regardless of filter. This is also indicated by the "pin" icon:
On the iOS Dashboard, the "pin" icon appears as a "lock" icon:
To remove a pin from a widget - so that when you apply a widget filter, the widget updates the data displayed in the widget:
Select widget Settings:
Choose Inherit for the datapoint that you want to update when you set a widget filter (you can choose Inherit for Time frame and Locations):
Save the widget to apply the change.