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Audit Locations with Solink

Audit on your own or reach out to Solink for professional auditing services.

Ryley White avatar
Written by Ryley White
Updated over 2 years ago

This guide provides an overview of how you can use Solink to audit your location(s).

An audit generally consists of a review of certain aspects of your business using Solink. During an audit, we recommend you check for the following things to ensure you are getting value from Solink:

One of the most important tools you can use to audit your locations is Motion Search. Click here for an overview of the Motion Search tool.

You can use Solink to perform an audit however often you like to ensure your locations are operating smoothly.

We also offer professional auditing services if required. If professional auditing is something that interests you, please get in touch with our Customer Enablement team to learn more about what we offer.

The following sections provide an overview of how to use Solink for each audit task.

Cash Safety

Whether you operate a restaurant or a retail space, there are some common ways you can use Solink to ensure your cash is protected (and spot any instances where theft could have or may have occurred).

You can use Solink's features to try and answer the following questions related to cash safety:

If applicable, is the manager's office door closed at all times?

To verify if the door remains closed throughout the day/night:

  1. Navigate to the Video page and find a camera with the manager's office door in view.

  2. Select Motion Search in the video player (ensure you are not viewing in live mode).

  3. Highlight the top of the door with the Motion Search tool. You can then optionally adjust the intensity with the Min Intensity slider to capture only high instances of motion (ie: the door opening). See the GIF below for a demonstration:

Other cash-safety questions you may want to answer in an audit include:

  • Is the safe always closed and secured when not in use?

  • Are cash drawers closed when there is nobody around to supervise?

The video tutorial below can help you understand how to use Solink's motion search tool to answer these questions with an audit:

Employee Productivity

It is easy to spot workplace violations related to employee productivity with Solink. You can use Solink's features to try and answer the following questions related to employee productivity:

  • Are all employees in uniform on shift?

  • Were employees using cellphones during work hours?

  • Was the break room used appropriately?

The video tutorial below can help you understand how to use Solink to answer these questions with an audit:

Physical Health and Safety

It is important to ensure anyone on site is following health and safety protocols at all times to prevent any violations or mishaps. You can use Solink to ensure health and safety rules are being followed at any of your locations and answer the following questions:

  • Was the back door locked at all times when not in use and was it used appropriately?

  • Are all emergency exits clear of obstructions?

The video tutorial below can help you understand how to use Solink to answer these questions:

Hours of Operation

With Solink, you can perform a quick audit whenever necessary to check if employees are adhering to the correct opening and closing times. You can easily answer the following questions with a Solink audit:

  • Was the front door unlocked for guests to enter at the store opening time daily?

  • Was the door locked no earlier than closing time?

To check if a location was opened and closed at the proper times:

  1. Navigate to the Video page.

  2. Select the location you want to check opening and closing times for (if you have multiple locations, they are available from the side menu).

  3. Select a camera that provides a view of the door/area where customers enter and exit.

  4. You can then use the timeline at the bottom of the video player to scroll to the posted opening time. You can observe if an employee unlocked the door around this time. Repeat this process for the closing time.

  5. (Optional) You can perform this same audit for other days - select the date picker near the top of the page to change to a different day.

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