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Event Flow

Learn how to use Solink's Event Flow feature and create a process for reviewing notable events.

Ryley White avatar
Written by Ryley White
Updated this week

Event Flow allows you to review and tag events by answering a set of configurable questions.

Event Flow is a helpful tool for quickly reviewing and tagging events, allowing you or another Solink user to revisit the event later.

Event Flow can help you properly categorize:

  • Suspicious transactions

  • Theft

  • Training opportunities (saving the event to use in training content)

Event Flow Setup

To create a new Event Flow, you must be and Admin or have the following User permissions (located under User Permissions > Events section)

  • Event Flow Response must be set to "On"

  • Manage Event Workflows must be set to "On"

To navigate to the Event Flow setup page:

  1. Select Solink Settings (select your username in the top-right corner > Settings)

  2. Select the Event Flow tab:

3. Select +New to begin creating a new Event Flow:

Create Yes/No Workflow

On the Create Workflow page, you can create a new Event Workflow starting with a simple "Yes" or "No" question:

Additionally, you can decide whether to create follow-up questions with their own set of custom responses when the user responds to either of the "Yes" or "No" questions.

Follow these steps to create a Yes/No workflow:

  1. Type a name for the workflow. This allows you to locate the workflow from the main Event Flow page in Settings later (if you need to review, edit or delete the workflow).

  2. Select the Event Type to apply this workflow to. For example, if you select Transaction, your workflow will appear on all transaction events.

    Note: There is a limit of one event flow per event type.

  3. Input a Yes or No question. For example, you may want to ask "Does this transaction require attention?" and then create follow-up questions and/or responses based on the Yes/No answer to this question:

Select Save to apply the workflow to your selected event type:

This is what the workflow will look like whenever you or another user reviews a transaction event:

You can also create additional follow-up questions and responses to each of the initial Yes and No responses. Creating further questions and responses can help users drill down to a specific answer when reviewing events and provide more accurate tagging.

See the next section below for more information on creating follow-up questions and responses.

Create Follow-Up Questions and Reponses (Optional)

Select one of the Follow-Up Question checkboxes (for either a Yes or No response) to begin creating follow-up questions and responses:

  1. Type the follow-up question in the Question field. In this example, the user will be prompted with a follow-up question when the user selects "Yes" in response to the initial question:

  2. Type a minimum of two responses to the follow-up question:

This is what the workflow will look like whenever you or another user reviews a transaction event:

(Optional) Select the Add Response button to add an additional response to the follow-up question. There is a limit of 10 responses per follow-up question:

(Optional) You can also create a further follow-up question and set of responses, if necessary.

For example, if you want the user to be prompted with another question and set of responses after they select "Suspicious transaction, requires further review", select the Follow-Up Question checkbox and create the follow-up question and responses:

Edit/Delete Existing Event Flows

To edit or delete existing event flows, navigate to Solink Settings > Event Flow page:

Note: You cannot recover your Event Flow once deleted.

How to Review Events

Users can review events configured in Event Flow from the Events page.

Select the Review button within the event card to proceed through the Event Flow:

Users can respond either with Yes or No to the Event Flow question:

If there are additional questions, simply follow the Event Flow and answer the questions until finished. The event is tagged so it can be reviewed later.

See the next section below for more information on how to find tagged events.

Find Tagged Events

You can use the filters on the Events page to locate events tagged with a specific answer.

To locate a tagged event:

  1. Select Add Filter.

  2. Select Filter Categories.

  3. Select Event Flow.

From here, you can filter by the following:

  • Event Flow Conclusion: Filter all of your tagged events by either Yes or No responses to the initial question:

  • Event Flow Responses: Filter all of your tagged events by the response(s) to your follow-up Event Flow questions:

Event Flow Examples

Below are some examples you may want to replicate when creating an Event Flow to get the most value out of this feature.

It is also best practice to simply ask "Has this event been reviewed?" for any event type, as this ensures you are able to tag "No" events for review later.

Transaction Event Flow Example

Follow the Event Flow structure pictured below to create a helpful transaction workflow:

Blocked Exit Event Flow Example

Follow the Event Flow structure pictured below to create a helpful blocked exit workflow (no follow-up questions required):

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