Please refer to this guide when sending data required for a Solink data integration.
This guide outlines how to correctly format the CSV file(s) to ensure our team can interpret and integrate your data as efficiently as possible.
General Data Format Guidelines
Please take note of the following guidelines when sending data for a Solink data integration:
Files should be separated as follows:
1 file for headers
1 file for items
1 file for payments
Each of these files should contain data from one day at a time. Please do not send one file containing multiple days of data.
All stores/locations can be contained in one file.
Each group of files should not exceed 50 MB.
If a single file in a group exceeds 50MB, please break up the file into multiple files and label accordingly (for example,
, etc)Transactions should not overlap between multiple groups - file groups should be split by location/store, not by lines/size (each row should represent one transaction at that location).
File names should be written in the following format:
<fileType> is one of 'header', ‘item’ or ‘payment’
<datestamp> is a unique date stamp without separators ('YYYYMMDD', ‘YYYYMMDDTHHmm’) depending on the file drop frequency (ie.
, etc)If all stores are in the same file, then <storeNumber> can be omitted (ie.
Retail and Restaurant Format Guidelines
Refer to the examples and tables below for information on formatting CSV if your business operates in the retail or restaurant industries:
Examples of data files from the retail industry:
Examples of data files from the restaurant industry:
"Header" File Format
CustColumn Name | Required * | Purpose, examples |
dataType | * | String: Allowed values ‘retail’ or ‘restaurant’ |
transactionId | * | String that uniquely identifies the transaction within the sender’s data warehouse. |
storeId | * | String that uniquely identifies the store that generated the data. |
registerId | * | String that uniquely identifies the pos register that generated the data within the store |
registerName |
| Optional name of the register. Useful when the registerId is a guid |
transactionDate | * | Business date of the transaction in the store’s local time zone. Preferred date format “YYYY-MM-DD' but may also be expressed in ISO-8601 “2024-06-15T00:00:00.000-06:00” |
storeName | * | String that provides a unique human readable description of the store |
startTime | * | ISO-8601 datetime string “2024-06-15T06:15:00.000-06:00” |
endTime |
| ISO-8601 datetime string “2024-06-15T08:39:30.000-06:00” |
status | * | Transaction level status VOID | REFUND | SALE |
employeeName |
| Optional string corresponding to the employee who generated the data or transaction. |
employeeID | * | String representing the employee id in the system that generated the data or transaction. |
transactionDiscount |
| Number: Total Transaction level discounts applied. These are separate from the item level discounts that may have been applied. For example, the POS calculates a veterans discount after all item level discounts have been applied. The discount will appear in this column. |
transactionDiscountReason |
| String of '|' separated list of transaction discount reasons |
transactionTax |
| Total tax applied to the transaction |
customerId |
| Customer specific identifier |
receiptNumber |
| POS receipt number. Often used to match the transaction to the receipt generated in store. |
licensePlate |
| License plate number |
notes |
| Notes associated with the transaction |
tableNumber | RestaurantV1 | String: Label associated with the table that generated the transaction data |
guestCount | RestaurantV1 | Number: The total number of guests that were served during the course of this transaction. |
"Items" File Format
Column Name | Required * | Purpose, Examples, etc |
transactionId | * | String that uniquely identifies the transaction within the sender’s data warehouse. |
storeId |
| String that uniquely identifies the store that generated the data. |
registerId |
| String that uniquely identifies the pos register that generated the data within the store |
transactionDate |
| Business date of the transaction in the store’s local time zone. Preferred date format “YYYY-MM-DD' but may also be expressed in ISO-8601 “2024-06-15T00:00:00.000-06:00” |
itemTime |
| ISO-8601 datetime string “2024-06-15T06:15:09.000-06:00” |
itemStatus | * | String: Allowed values ‘Void’ | ‘Return’ | ‘Sale’ | ‘Override’ |
itemStatusReason |
| Optional String: Descriptive comment as to the reason this status was assigned. “Customer no longer wanted the item” |
quantity | * | Number: The quantity of the item purchased. May be integer or float |
itemCode |
| String: The unique code that identifies the item in the POS service or data warehouse |
itemDescription | * | String: Descriptive comment associated with the item. May consist of a ‘|' separate collection of modifiers. Ex. “Levis 501 | 34 w x 40 L | Stone washed | Boot cut” . The additional modifiers will appear below the line item entry in the receipt. |
unitPrice | * | Number: Price associated with the item. |
extendedPrice |
| Number: Extended price paid for the quantity of items listed. |
itemTaxTotal |
| Optional Number: Tax associated with the item purchased. |
itemDiscount |
| Number: Total discounts to be applied per item. e.g. 15.50 |
itemDiscountReason |
| '|' separated list of transaction discount reasons. May optionally include discount contribution. “Coupon 2For1 ($5) | Outdoor living promo ($10) | “Student ($0.50)” |
originalTransactionId |
| if the item is being returned, the original Transaction ID of the purchase |
originalBusinessDate |
| if the item is being returned, the original Business Date of the purchase |
originalStoreId |
| if the item is being returned, the original Store ID of the purchase was made |
originalRegisterId |
| if the item is being returned, the original Register ID where the purchase was processed |
"Payment" File Format
Column Name | Required * | Purpose, Examples, etc |
transactionId | * | String that uniquely identifies the transaction within the sender’s data warehouse. |
storeId |
| String that uniquely identifies the store that generated the data. |
registerId |
| String that uniquely identifies the pos register that generated the data within the store |
transactionDate |
| Business date of the transaction in the store’s local time zone. Preferred date format “YYYY-MM-DD' but may also be expressed in ISO-8601 “2024-06-15T00:00:00.000-06:00” |
tenderType | * | String: Examples ‘Credit’ | ‘Debit’ | ‘Cash’ | ‘Cheque’| ‘Gift Card’ | ‘Loyalty’ | … Should include card issuer information (Visa, MasterCard, Amex, etc.) wherever possible |
totalPaymentTendered | * | Number: The total amount tendered of the specified tenderType |
changeDue | * | Number: Required for Cash transactions where the totalPaymentTendered > total purchase amount |
customerId |
| String: A redacted or otherwise PII compliant customer identifier |
cardLastFour |
| String: The last four digits associated with card based payments. |
paymentStatus |
| '|' separated payment status fields to qualify the payment tendered e.g. “Approved | Swiped | Auth Code 123456” |
paymentTime |
| ISO-8601 datetime string “2024-06-15T06:15:00.000-06:00” |
Banking Industry Format Guidelines
Refer to the example and tables below for information on formatting CSV if your business operates in the retail or restaurant industries:
Banking Standard CSV File Definitions
Column Name | Required * | Purpose, examples |
dataType | * | ‘atm’ or ‘teller’ |
branchID | * in teller files | Branch unique ID |
stationID | * in teller files | Teller station unique ID |
employeeID | * in teller files | Employee unique ID |
atmID | * in atm files | Atm unique ID. |
sequenceNumber | * | Record unique ID. |
transactionType | * | Text description of the action taken by the teller or the customer at the atm e.g. ‘Deposit’, ‘Withdrawal’, ‘Inquiry’ |
transactionDate | * | ISO-8601 datetime string “2024-06-15T06:15:00.000-06:00” |
transactionAmount | * | Transaction amount |
transactionStatus | * |
accountNumberLast4 | * | Last four digits customer account number |
cardNumberLast4 | * | Last four digits ATM card number |
fromAccountLast4 |
| Source account information |
toAccountLast4 |
| Destination account information |
transactionTypeCode |
| Optional transaction type code |
transactionStatusCode |
| Optional transaction status code |
tellerName |
| The employee name |
branchName |
| The branch name |
city |
| Geographic city name |
state |
| Geographic state/province name |
address |
| Geographic street address |
Note on ISO-8601 Timestamps
Proper synchronization of video and transactional data relies on a common understanding of the timestamps that are used in the data files. ISO-8601 was created to address the issues of timezones and quirks of the Daylight Standard and Daylight Savings strategies worldwide.
Time stamps are in UTC (sometimes incorrectly referred to as GMT) and represent a common understanding of time throughout the world. When written in UTC format, local timestamps are translated to their UTC equivalent and will be expressed in a “YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ” string format:
‘YYYY’ represents the year
‘MM’ represents the month (01 - 12)
'DD' represents the day (01 - 28,29,30,31) depending on the month and leap year
'T' represent the start of the daytime string
‘HH’ represents the hour (00-23)
'mm' represents the minutes (00-59)
‘ss’ represents the seconds (00-59)
‘SSS’ represents the milliseconds (000-999)
'Z' represents the UTC format designation
ISO-8601 may also be specified as a local datetime with an explicit offset to UTC according to the time zone designation. In these cases, the offset may vary depending on the local observances of Daylight Saving Time. ISO-8601 timestamps replace the “Z” suffix with a “-/+hhmm”:
‘-/+’ indicates if the offset should be subtracted or added to the local time
‘hh’ represents the hour offset (00-12)
'mm' represents the minutes (00-59)
Additional information re: ISO-8601 can be found here.