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Sidekick: Live Spot Check
Ryley White avatar
Written by Ryley White
Updated over 4 months ago

With Live Spot Check, you can use Solink's AI to detect people, objects and scenarios to help you monitor key aspects of your business on every camera - all you need to do is provide the instructions.

All Solink accounts have access to Live Spot Check for no additional subscription cost.

Create a Live Spot Check

Creating a Live Spot Check is as simple as typing a prompt for Solink's Sidekick AI to respond to or selecting a premade prompt.

Note: Live Spot Check generates a response based on the current moment in time. Sidekick AI does not look at past periods of time to respond to prompts.

To create a new prompt and perform a Live Spot Check:

  1. From the Video page in the Solink platform, select the Sidekick button near the top of the page:

  2. In the Sidekick window, type a prompt in the search bar OR select a premade prompt (template) directly below the search bar:

  3. Sidekick AI intelligently rewords your prompt to be as descriptive as possible. However, you can edit the prompt further via the Prompt field:

  4. Sidekick AI also generates a Response Format to ensure the responses to your prompt are clear and consistent. It is recommended to leave this information in place but you may edit this information if needed via the Response Format field:

  5. Next, click Select Cameras to Run Spot Check to choose which cameras you would like to conduct the Live Spot Check:

  6. Select the desired cameras to run the Live Spot Check on, then click Select Cameras to confirm (you can also choose the Select All option to select all cameras from all locations at once):

  7. Sidekick initiates a Live Spot Check. Please wait for Sidekick to load the responses (this may take a few minutes depending on the number of cameras you selected).

Once the response loads, you can review Sidekick's analysis of each location and cross reference with the camera screenshots above:

Tip: Select Preview to re-initiate the Live Spot Check at the current point in time.

Select New Cameras or Locations for Live Spot Check

You do not need to exit out of Live Spot Check if you want to use the same prompt with different cameras or locations.

Select the Location/Camera overview button near the top of the modal to re-select cameras and re-conduct a Live Spot Check with the same prompt:

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